Institute for
Family Care
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What We Provide


Molestiae non recusandae
earum rerum hic tenetur asa
piente delectus.

Human touch

Receive 24/7 customer help as we follow the newly developed “personal assistant” programs for every single customer. The beauty of your day truly matters to us. You always deserve the best.

Trusted Friends

Your therapists or physicians are not the only resources that you get, eminent PhD behaviorists are always there to give you the hand in need and become your trusted friends that you can rely upon. 

E-Home management

This superb feature comes for FREE included in every client’s monthly pack. Real humans with great patience, knowledge and understanding are always here to give you a hand with basically ANYTHING.

IFCM Smart Delivery

The IFCM Smart Delivery brings the most modern European standards in the American healthcare system. You will save thousands by simply getting great discounts from our worldwide partners and cooperate with eminent health experts for free.

IFCM Interactive

Take part in various activities that will make you feel alive again! Learn new skills from our team experts who will help you with your self-improvement, take part of collective prayers, workshops and plenty of other interactive events. We want to always make sure that our clients are happy and positive.

IFCM World

Connect with experts and individuals from all of the world. Connect with people from around the world that will help you improve and learn about insanely great opportunities for traveling, alone or with your significant others. Watch amazing podcasts with adventurers, professors and experts from various fields.

IFCM Divinity

Take part in humbling religious and charity events from the comfort of your home. Show your love and spread it to others. The Christian tradition and teachings are still alive and IFCM supports the religious communities. Charities, debates, singing and uniting- even if you are not religious at all.

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Meet Our Professional Team

Christofer Von Brackenheim

Ronald Hansen

Clare Smyth

Andreas Stavros-Papadopolus


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